How to Hire Top Talent Without Overpaying

March 22, 2023
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How to Hire Top Talent Without Overpaying

Key topics

Enjoy this candid discussion between Charlie Franklin and Bobby Dysart about offers, market data, and pay transparency.

Watch the video now to see:

  1. Why offers are the cause of and solution to all pay problems…
  2. How to source market pay information from recruiter conversations…
  3. How to standardize offer data to stay competitive and improve pay parity..

Webinar TLDR…

The offer…

It's really that first moment, when you show someone how much they're worth to your organization. And that really puts them in a frame of where they ask themselves… 

“Is this a place where I belong? 

Is this a place where I'm going to be valued? 

“Is this the place I'm going to grow my career?”

If you're like many Comp professionals, you need up to the second data, you need real insights to understand what's happening in the market, and you want to understand what folks are actually deciding in your own organization when it comes to pay decisions. 

But sometimes that can be pretty frustrating when you put together a clever compensation strategy that's met with… reality. That’s why we built Compa - to solve your market data problem and bring your team together around offers. 

The Problem

When it comes to Comp teams and Recruiters - there's some skepticism on both sides. For example, someone in Comp might look at Recruiters and think they’re only interested in closing candidates and winning offers… no matter what the cost. And to some degree, that's always going to be true. 

But from the Recruiter perspective, it's really difficult to win candidates, build trust, and get them into the company if they don't have the right data and tools to manage conversations about pay. 

A Solution

What we've built at Compa is connective tissue between Comp and TA. It’s an all-in-one pay transparency solution that empowers everyone from TA, to Total Rewards, all the way up to CHROS. 

Because it's 2022. Isn’t it time you got market data that helps you fully understand what's going on in the market (so you can beat your competitors, make better offers, and adapt more quickly)?

To see Compa in action… watch the video above.

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