How to Hire Top Talent Without Overpaying

Enjoy this candid discussion between Charlie Franklin and Bobby Dysart about offers, market data, and pay transparency.

Watch the video now to see:

  1. Why offers are the cause of and solution to all pay problems…
  2. How to source market pay information from recruiter conversations…
  3. How to standardize offer data to stay competitive and improve pay parity..

Webinar TLDR…

The offer…

It's really that first moment, when you show someone how much they're worth to your organization. And that really puts them in a frame of where they ask themselves… 

“Is this a place where I belong? 

Is this a place where I'm going to be valued? 

“Is this the place I'm going to grow my career?”

If you're like many Comp professionals, you need up to the second data, you need real insights to understand what's happening in the market, and you want to understand what folks are actually deciding in your own organization when it comes to pay decisions. 

But sometimes that can be pretty frustrating when you put together a clever compensation strategy that's met with… reality. That’s why we built Compa - to solve your market data problem and bring your team together around offers. 

The Problem

When it comes to Comp teams and Recruiters - there's some skepticism on both sides. For example, someone in Comp might look at Recruiters and think they’re only interested in closing candidates and winning offers… no matter what the cost. And to some degree, that's always going to be true. 

But from the Recruiter perspective, it's really difficult to win candidates, build trust, and get them into the company if they don't have the right data and tools to manage conversations about pay. 

A Solution

What we've built at Compa is connective tissue between Comp and TA. It’s an all-in-one pay transparency solution that empowers everyone from TA, to Total Rewards, all the way up to CHROS. 

Because it's 2022. Isn’t it time you got market data that helps you fully understand what's going on in the market (so you can beat your competitors, make better offers, and adapt more quickly)?

To see Compa in action… watch the video above.


How to Hire Top Talent Without Overpaying in 2022 & Beyond


Charlie Franklin, Bobby Dysart

Bobby Dysart  02:19

All right, it's time. Hello, everyone. Welcome to today's webinar. My name is Bobby Dysart. I'm the head of sales for Compa. I will share a little bit more about what we're talking about today get introduced Charlie. I guess just first a little bit about me. 

I've been in the enterprise SaaS space for almost my whole career. I've run my own consulting company for the last three years and some change. And I met Charlie Franklin and the Compa team in February. And after three months of consulting, I just figured out that I absolutely love Compa. I love what Charlie's doing and joined full time in May. And it's just been a wonderful experience so far, wrapping our first quarter. And now I get to do cool things like today's webinar, where we talk about why offers matter and how to hire top talent without overpaying. And so a couple of ground rules here. Here we go. 

Again, thank you for joining us. Definitely welcome questions. In the last webinars, we've done a pretty good job of answering them. So drop them in the chat, drop them in the in the poll section. And we'll get to them as much as possible. And if we have to get to him later, we do that as well. share any thoughts or insights and we will record this webinar and share it out within 24 hours. A little bit about Charlie. Charlie is a comp professional. So I think a lot of times when we're talking to customers, he built Compa to solve a lot of the problems he faced Running Total Rewards at Juniper Networks and then later as an m&a executive at workday, and has spent most of his career in compensation and a lot of folks we talked to every day, either his peers or past colleagues and excited to welcome him in. Thanks for joining

Charlie Franklin  04:19

Charlie. Thanks, Bobby. Great to be here. All right.

Bobby Dysart  04:23

And then just lastly, what we'll be chatting about, again, offers offers offers today we'll be talking why they are the cause of and solution to all pay problems. We'll talk about how to source market pay information from recruiter conversations, and then how to standardize offer data to stay competitive and improve pay parity. And with that, I will stop my screen share, Charlie hello again. Let's jump right into it. Man, you as a compensation professional could have attacked this market in all kinds of ways but you chose offers why? Yeah,

Charlie Franklin  05:01

Thanks, Bobby. And hello, everyone. Great to be chatting with you today. Like Bobby said, I spent the first decade of my career in HR mostly focused on compensation during that time. And I will say, as a Completer, I feel that I should have spent more time paying attention to offers, I like to joke only half kiddingly now that offers are the cause of and solution to all pay problems. 

And I can share a couple of reasons why I think that's true. And what that's inspired for what we built a combo for one offers at the beginning of the employee experience, it's really that first moment, when you don't just tell somebody I love you, you say I love you, you're showing them how much they're worth to your organization. And that really puts them in a frame of like, is this a place where I belong, where I'm going to be valued, and we're going where I'm going to grow my career. And so it's just this essential moment to get right, from a Completer perspective to the offer is upstream of every other pay decision that an organization makes. 

And most of which are actually explicitly derivative to the offer. So when you are doing a base salary increase, that is a percentage of what you came in at, if you're doing a bonus, it's often expressed as a percent of base salary, if you're doing a promotion, you get the point. 

So focusing more on offers where I think it tends to be feel a little bit more like the wild west for many companies, instead of the usual comp planning, with the usual belts and suspenders associated with that process. Um, it's something that I felt was just overlooked and needed a new approach. The other thing I want to say, too, and we'll get into more of the recruiter perspective, when we kind of dig into the workflow in the software today. 

But I want to point comp professionals to what offers make possible for you, if you're like me, when I was in comp, you needed data, you need a real insights to understand, like what's happening in the market, and what folks are actually deciding and in your own organization on pay decisions. And sometimes that could actually be pretty frustrating when you put together a clever compensation strategy that's met with reality. So I actually want to, if we can, I'm just going to jump into the product and show you the screen that I wish I had when I was a comp leader. 

This is a reporting view of what you're doing with your offers. And we'll get into some of the mechanics of how we built this and why we built it in this way. But essentially, what I'm doing here is looking at structured data from my applicant tracking system. 

In Compa. And when I say structured, I'm understanding the value over time for different types of pay elements connected to talent data, like what company people are coming from jobs and levels and my pay guidelines. And so when I was at Juniper, it could take us a quarter to understand what was happening with our offers and what our recruiters are seeing the market, what we've built here in Compa, for leaders who are trying to understand their offers, you can just see it instantly. So I'll just point you to a couple things that we have on the screen here that may be of interest. For one, we're connecting win rate to what we're paying. 

And this is just a classic question, right? It's like, if we have a 65% win rate here, which I would characterize as not as strong as I'd like it to be? 

How does that compare to our comp ratio, both for accepted and rejected offers? And by the way, how many of those cases are we making exceptions are exceptions to rule, we also are looking at PE bias risk. And so this is, you know, when Compa is screening your offers, we can look at the EEOC data on the application and flag outliers. So before an offer ever goes out the door, do we have any elevated risks in terms of pay bias on the offers, where I get most excited as a former Completer and wanting to understand what my talent acquisition team sees every day, is just digging into analysis. And so I've got this view right here looking at my top competitors. 

And these are pieces of data that my recruiters are capturing in the form of the offers that they create for the candidates, but also the insights that they capture from those conversations that are specific precisely to the companies that I care about most to those that I see in the market every day. So and and I should say this is all dummy data. This is in a sandbox environment. So these are example companies. But when I'm looking at a competitor, like Boeing or Blue Origin, perhaps in these cases, I can really dig into how do we show up in the market against them? How often do we see them? How often do we win? And what are we paying when we encounter them? And I can filter that by location, job level and really dig in. 

And so the purpose of building all this into the products is really actually just kind of answering that initial question of like, Why do offers matter? Well, it's this extraordinary source of data that has just been Aren't overlooked by most completers?

Bobby Dysart  10:04

Yeah, I mean, as a non HR executive myself, but being in sales, like I think the first time I saw that screen, it just sort of clicked like, of course you want to know, sort of a synopsis of your interactions with the market. And from a recruiters perspective, that means when your candidates are accepting your offers, when they're not what information they're sharing with you, and and so, you know, I think quickly, I just sort of got it and was really excited about it. 

But I also like, I think many people on the webinar today, automatically go to what where, where is that data coming from? You reference recruiter conversations? Well, how exactly? Does it go from a conversation into Compa and turn out into that beautiful dataset?

Charlie Franklin  10:48

Yeah, it's the right question to ask. And, you know, I think we have a mixture of compensation and recruiter folks watching this. And so to be fair, there's some skepticism on both sides, right? Because a lot of completers will think about the recruiters is like, hey, you know, what are the motivations here to get data, or to share out what a candidate wants, perhaps you're just trying to, you know, close this candidate and win an offer. 

And I think to some degree, that's always going to be true. But from the recruiter perspective, it's really difficult to win over candidates and build trust and get them into the company, they don't have the right data and tools to manage conversations about pay. What we've built at Compa is connective tissue between these teams, and a workflow for recruiters to get the kinds of data that enable you understand what's going on the market and adapt more quickly. 

So let's jump in, I'm going to show you the place that many recruiters like to start which was actually just their ATS, so I'll share my screen again. And I'm gonna go over to greenhouse Compa has integrations with lots of different applicant tracking systems. As many of you know, this is a popular one. And some of our customers are in greenhouse. So I'm logged in here as a recruiter. And let's say I go find a candidate that I'm working with a full stack engineer candidate from Amazon, again, all dummy data here. What I might want to do is if this candidate is at the offer stage, or perhaps earlier, and we can talk more about that, is get a lot more information about what is going on with this candidate, even at the very beginning of the lifecycle. 

So I'm gonna hit Create offering Compa, this is one way to get in, you can also do it when you're having like an initial phone screen with a candidate, even for sorcerers as well. I've logged on to this candidates profile for Compa. And the first thing that I want, as a recruiter is context to know what I'm getting into with this candidate. I'm actually going to scroll down and show you this view here. Immediately, I'm presented with a set of data that's going to help me right at the start, before I even have the first conversation with the candidate. And this includes what am I pay guidelines for this job? What is the current pay for employees in my organization without revealing any identifying information? 

And then what are some similar offers that I've made similar to this candidate, and the outcomes green here being accepted and red being rejected. And then we have a comp estimate here, this kind of pulling all three of those things together to help narrow where you might start. And so the purpose here is, you know, forget the spreadsheet where you have to go find pay guidelines, forget the email that you have to send the comp team, or logging into workday or an HCM and trying to find what current employees make. 

Forget rifling through past similar offers in your emails, bring it all into one place and make it apples to apples so that you can enter any conversation with a candidate with context.

Bobby Dysart  14:05

Yeah, I mean, I just love this view talking to customers about it. Because I think you know, and I face this in sales as well. 

You know, in recruiter conversations, the first thing that candidate wants to talk about is pay. And the last thing the recruiter wants to talk about his pay because you know, they want to sell the value of the organization and all the good things that go along with becoming an employee, but they don't want to go in there flat footed and it's really hard. It's really hard to go in there with all this information within arm's reach, let alone mapped by job level and location, which I think competence beautifully here on this screen.

Charlie Franklin  14:41

Yeah, and, you know, for on the comp side, too. It's actually surprisingly hard to get this kind of information at the fingertips of recruiters. That's partly why we brought it in here. Many of our customers have built some really amazing internal tools to ranging from you know, a like a Google sheet where recruiters can access their guidelines to something more sophisticated, like in Tableau, and you know, what they're driving towards is how can I get just the right information? I recruiters fingertips without oversharing, right? 

Like, they just need what whatever they need for those candidates. And so despite all those in house tries, very difficult to maintain internal such tools. Compa kind of makes that really easy and out of the box, and has all of the relevant pieces of context, you need to get a conversation started. And there are other parts of the product to kind of joke about, like we built a Ferrari engine, in many ways, what you're looking at here, this is just cupholders, it's like, let's just get basic information. What do folks need? 

What's most important than just to start a conversation with a candidate?

Bobby Dysart  15:44

Cool. So I have my context. I'm a recruiter, I'm looking at this information for guidelines, you know, current employee pay somewhere offers, what do I do next?

Charlie Franklin  15:55

Yeah, so the best recruiters, particularly as we enter this era of pay transparency, are having conversations about pay with candidates sooner. 

So when we talk about competing for the most difficult talent to hire, in a job market that is still white hot, you know, what's a way that you can get an edge on the market? For recruiters, having that conversation early on, serves you in several ways. 

For one, you're just building trust with the candidate, if you show some of, you know, here's how we think about pay at my company, let's talk about what you're looking for. It gets the conversation to a more real place faster. Capturing this information in a meaningful way can actually serve to help you win an offer later on. 

So you, perhaps you've had different managers, or even comp team say, Hey, would be really helpful. If you track competing offers, it's out in a spreadsheet somewhere can be difficult to kind of maintain that or make that part of your workflow. When you capture this kind of information about a candidate and Compa. It sets in the same context that we just discussed. So let's say we want to add pay expectations. 

So this is like that first phone screen. Okay, let's talk about what we're expecting. And I should say, by the way, in many states and localities, now, you are not supposed to ask for current pay, we actually have a free resource on our website, where you can go check out what you can and can't ask from a recruiter perspective. When recruiters are asking about pay expectations, you can go as broad or as specific as you want, perhaps the candidate just says, you know, somewhere around 150k, all in, they're not specific, you can capture the app, or maybe they'll get really specific. So I'm looking for, you know, a base salary of 125,000, I've got, you know, 20k, and walk away value that would be important for me to overcome. 

And then, you know, there's definitely a stock element here too, expecting 50k, something like that, as you build out that pay expectation, immediately puts into context. So you know, am I going to create an offer that is going to get approved, and it's going to win for this candidate. And so I can see from what I've created here, it's actually within my guidelines, it is similar to current employees that are already in our company in a similar job, level and location. And then it's similar to past offers as well. Also, just briefly show, so of course, you know, track pay expectations, you can refine that as conversations progress. 

But you can also throw in a competing offer. So let's say that they're talking to Apple as well. And we need to move quickly, because Apple's already put together something that's, you know, a little more aggressive, there's a higher base salary, they have a pretty big sign on bonus, and the stock comp is is looking pretty big, right? So when you build out that competing offer, you're going to have that fit into this context as well. And you're building a picture now. So when you're thinking about what's it going to take to beat this candidate, it's both in terms of dollars, but also their preferences, and then what's possible within your guidelines.

Bobby Dysart  19:13

Now it looks great, I mean, we talk about on on Compa, or with comp customers about making the perfect offer. And the reason I like this swimlanes so much is the perfect governor is one that gets approved. And so it has to sort of check every box has to be competitive, it has to meet the pay expectations of the candidate, but also has to get approved by comp. Which means literally it has to be within the guidelines that are listed here. 

So I think this does a good job of sort of capturing how to make the perfect offer and in the from a visual perspective.

Charlie Franklin  19:45

I'll say to Bobby from a comp team perspective, you might see these individual little hotdogs here and say, Okay, that's helpful for this offer for this recruiter. But does that really Give me any signals what's happened in the market? I'll show you later, I think we'll have time I'll walk you through this data aggregates really quickly. And it's surprisingly powerful, where you can actually see across lots of recruiter conversations with candidates about pay expectations. 

The story can build into a narrative that might support the idea that your guidelines have fallen a little behind the market, or perhaps your competitors have made a change to their comp programs. So there's definitely a comp element to this as well. Cool.

Bobby Dysart  20:33

So what do we do next? I assume we were ready to make an offer.

Charlie Franklin  20:38

Yeah, yeah, let me show you what making an offer inside of combo looks like. I'm gonna go ahead and hit the Create offer button. What I'm looking at here is my pay elements for this role. So Compa that we were looking at our guidelines or salary bands on this one line chart below, before, we've configured everything so that whatever the role is, we bring in the right pay elements. So this is eligible for base salary and annual bonus, refresh your new hire grants, and potentially a new hire bonus as well. So I'm gonna go ahead and start with a base salary. 

First of all, I can just see my guidelines in line right here. And this is designed to make it easy and drive contexts for recruiters to create perfect offers. So if I start to build my offer with a base salary, what you'll notice right away is that compass data science engine is checking whether you were making the right offer it seeing whether the offers and pay guidelines, it's comparing to those past similar offers and current employees. It's also screening for pay bias based on data from the application self reported by the candidate. 

And then a favorite feature of recruiters is predicting your chances of winning. So we've got a 62% chance of winning right here with this offer. And so we can refine this as we build out, you know, let's say, we do want to add a new hire bonus that pays out in one year. And maybe we'll do a new hire grant, I've got some more guidelines here. And I'll put this in dollars. All this configurable, whether you're in RSUs, or options, or whether you talk about things and units and dollars, it's all set up as part of a customer onboarding. So as I build out this offer, I'm putting together something really competitive here as a first option. 

And so I can see on my swimlane chart, this is my offer for my company lilac, I can see it stronger than Apple's offer, it beats the Canada's expectation, it is within guideline and current employees. And we have examples of where we've won at this level. And so what we've done here is create an offer that really serves kind of all three legs of a three legged value proposition, which I characterize as cost competitiveness and fairness. You might think, hey, a perfect offer just make everybody a million dollar offer, I'm gonna get 100% win rate. But obviously, that's not practical. You want your offers to be competitive. 

That's why you understand what is the candidate want, and what have we done in the past, so that, you know, if you're gonna get a decent win rate here, and and have a decent chance of closing the candidate on an offer that they actually want with respect to cost. You know, that's where we bring in guidelines, like, are we putting together an offer that is going to get approved, that is stewarding our resources in the way that we should for our company. And then the third piece fairness, we are comparing two current employees. So this is an automatic pay parity check. You don't have to send it off to comp, or dig into any kind of spreadsheets to understand whether your offer is fair. And then it's additionally calculating whether there's any pay bias rests on the candidate application. So a perfect offer is balancing these three things of costs and competitive competitiveness and fairness. And that's what we've done here. 

You and I could create multiple offers to kind of play around with different scenarios. And take this to the hiring manager to discuss what's next.

Bobby Dysart  24:13

Yeah, I mean, again, you know, I'm kind of a homer here. 

But I think software is beautiful. And it looks really good in that regard. And I mean, my mind just immediately jumps back to that that chart that we saw at the beginning, which is if you know, this is just one candidate, right? And the customers that we're talking to talking to whoever we're talking about Blue Chip, enterprise customers that have hundreds of recruiters that are sending 1000s of offers, potentially talking to 10s of 1000s of candidates. 

And so I imagine what you're, what you're showing is, you know, these, all these little interactions at the candidate level start to add up in a really big way.

Charlie Franklin  24:51

They do and you want to think back to my comp days. When you look at offers, and I talked about them as cause of and solution to all pay problems, there's a huge amount of surface area on that spend, right? 

If you make 1000 offers at 150k Average total offer cost that's $150 million spent in what do you have in place to support the team that is deputized to drive those decisions out on the edges. 

And I'm talking about recruiters, do they have the tools that they need to make sure that their offers are cost effective, that they are competitive with the market and your overall comp strategy, and that they're fair, putting tools like this, into the hands of recruiters helps them do their jobs and helps them execute a comp strategy at scale. And that's where comp teams really get excited about using composite to create offers is that you're just driving more data more relevant and valuable data into the conversations at the right time. 

So that you're getting the comp outcomes that you want, but also as a comp team, you're just able to kind of manage this at the scale that you need for a small but mighty team. And I think basically every comp team and every company has a small but mighty team.

Bobby Dysart  26:13

Yeah, I mean, just being able to execute a sort of candidate conversation soup to nuts by using this software in the way that you did. 

You know, I think that up levels, the recruiting team, sort of it scales the comp team, almost infinitely. And so like there's a level of just professionalism, achievement precision, I think that's reached, if they sort of just just do this at scale, right, like capture a pay expectation, have their guidelines in there similar offers sort of front and center for for every conversation, and then able are able to create an offer that sort of meets checks those boxes of competitiveness, fairness, and cost effectiveness. 

But I'm curious, like, what you're seeing from a customer perspective is like, the next level up, like what are some of the best customers, the best recruiting teams, the best compensation teams? What are what what's one secret sauce sort of thing that, that they're doing to take it to another level in terms of upskilling their recruiting and offer efforts?

Charlie Franklin  27:25

Yeah, I mean, when I think about what the best recruiters are doing, you create these offers, you know, kind of what's next… brokering the deal, is how I think about it, like how do you get your folks internally aligned, and then bring that into a conversation with a candidate. 

And depending on your organization, you may be wanting to share different levels of transparency with the candidate, but internally for sure, when you're ready to get an offer, approved, putting context into those conversations, that's when what's going to drive speed. And once you know, you want to make an offer, it's all about getting an approval as fast as possible. 

There's a few different ways that our best recruiters do that and Compa, I've clicked to the side by side tab, where you just have a drill down of everything you've assembled for your offer compared to everything you know about the candidate or a competing offer, and your guidelines, so that you can just see all the detail over time. And you can also play with some assumptions about how your offer will trend over different time periods. 

And in terms of sharing out this detail, our best recruiters are sharing this internally, whether you're just dropping that into a Slack channel, or getting an email over to an approver. I'm showing here on this toggle. You can choose whatever you want to share. For this particular case, whether it's going to like a comp analyst or a hiring manager, drop their emails in here, you can shoot off a read only interactive view of the offer for them to understand and comment on and basically drive support into, you know, whatever offer you want to get to market and that could include multiple draft offers, if you're kind of weighing like cash versus equity or guarantee pay versus at risk pay, etc. For the comp team, you know, you might look at this and think like, that's a pretty high level of autonomy that you're giving to recruiters like there's a lot of data in their hands. 

What I would say to that is, most comp teams are asking recruiters to quarterback a very challenging pay conversation. Offers are often characterized by negotiation, which I think is a challenge that we all need to overcome. They are characterized by bleeding edge market trends that are difficult to understand and put into context. And so empowering recruiters with more tools to navigate these conversations. I think only li serves the agenda of a comp team who's trying to execute a comp strategy in this kind of labor market. So, you know, to answer your question, best recruiters, they're taking what they do in combat. 

And they're sharing that out, whether that's with internal stakeholders like hiring managers, and comp analysts, or actually sharing out of view this to the candidate. Last thing I'll say about that, because I know that different organizations are just at different levels of what how transparent, you want to be, at a minimum, building an offer with an offer management tool, like Compa provides a level of context that recruiters need to navigate pay conversations in an authentic way that creates a great experience for their candidates, you need to understand how your pay programs work. You need to understand how the offer compares to what the candidate wants, and whether it's competitive and whether it's fair. And that's one more thing I'll say, too, is just increasingly candidates are asking whether their offers are fair, nobody wants to come in and be the outlier, not when they're joining a team that they're trying to build trust with. 

So a few thoughts there for you.

Bobby Dysart  31:06

Cool, man? No, I appreciate it. Thanks for for walking us through. 

And I guess I want to take a second just to check in with the webinar attendees. Folks, I know we threw a lot at you there on the screen. In the past webinars, we had been asked to show a little bit of the product. So we wanted to do that today. We could spend a lot more time in there. There's if you saw there several tabs. So we may dive back in but want to give you a little space. If you want to drop a question, either in the chat or hit the q&a button there at the bottom right. We're happy to dive in. Otherwise, we'll we'll probably wrap things up here in like the next 10 minutes. Cool, I guess, I guess 

Yeah. With that, Charlie, anything else I think worth mentioning particularly like, you know, I think it's interesting to check in. We just wrapped our first real quarter of go into market. You know, you were in r&d mode, building this product with all of our engineers for the better part of a year. What's what's just been the big takeaway, or a big takeaway from chatting with all the prospects and customers over the last three months?

Charlie Franklin  32:20

Yeah, that's, that's a great question. 

So you know, Compa is a startup, it's been an incredible journey. 

So far, since I left workday to found Compa. The thing that really resonates with me, I guess, a couple things to call out. One our message around why you should be paying attention to offers, we're just seeing this converging set of trends, um, that has more and more completers. taking notice. The obvious one, I think it's been part of the Zeitgeist and in conversations for many years now is just the growing trend to pay transparency. And this is, you know, whether it is the legislative agenda of cities and states across the US and other countries to combat pay inequities, or just the broader kind of social contract shift, where workers are expecting a different level of accountability from employers. These chain changes are accelerating, and they're meeting the enterprise at the point of the offer. That's where they're feeling it. 

You see stories about pay transparency with respect to lawsuits and kind of internal spreadsheet circulating those things do happen. I think they're really interesting. But if I'm an enterprise saying, How am I going to tackle pay transparency over the next 234 or five years, we're hearing about leaders who are looking offers and saying this is our interface with the market. Let's see if we can get this right. The other thing that I just hear about constantly is that it's just surprisingly hard to give recruiters what they need to do their jobs with respect to pay. large enterprises who are workday customers are very sophisticated teams. Global companies have incredible technology in place. But when it comes to making offers, they're maintaining a Google sheet that is shared with hundreds of recruiters that's constantly breaking heads, lots of different copies. They're attempting to localize it for different countries, they're attempting to update it with current pay guidelines, formulas get overwritten. It's a mess. 

And I see that and it does remind me when I was accomplished, or and it gives me kind of the confidence that a solution in this area makes sense, just given the pressure that's growing on onComplete are they on ta teams to get comp right? 

So the couple things that we hear about there you know, of course the labor market is still super tight, and folks are paying attention to competitors and trying to understand what they're doing get more real time data, always a hot topic.

Bobby Dysart  34:56

Yeah, I think that second point, is this really hasn't happened to me in any other space where I'm demoing software where I've, I've ran into so many folks trying to build versions of Compa. 

And again, these are these are big, progressive, innovative companies, that they're, they're just trying to become more paid transparent, in their own way. And it's really reassuring, lets me know we're in a, we're in a good spot. And, you know, I think this is somewhat inevitable, right, that pay will become trans, more more transparent over time, we're just one way to do it. And it's been really exciting to sort of nerd out with both the comp teams recruiting teams on how we tackle this challenge, because because you're right, like, it just really is hard, particularly at the scale, and speed that these companies and teams are asked to work at. 

To be able to do it in a thoughtful way, in a data centric way. has just proven really challenging, but But folks are trying to they're trying to, yeah,

Charlie Franklin  35:58

I speak in nerding out, there's one other thing I want to show, make sure I do show actually, with respect to kind of your competitors. 

So a lot of companies have spun up something where they're trying to track competitor pay. It's a challenge, mainly to just get recruiters to enter data. And even then, when they do to enter it in a way that's usable, we kind of cracked that nut for one recruiters want to enter data because it helps them win offers and comp, right. And anytime you ask a recruiter to do something, there's just a manager checkbox exercise, so not going to do it reliably. That's not what they're paid to do. They're paid to help bring amazing talent into companies. And so you gotta get that right. But then you also want to get the data usable. 

So I'll just show you here, for a second, we were looking at this candidate G. But if I go over to my company's tab, comp was creating these profiles for all my competitors, and these are kind of like Battle cards, I can see for each competitor, you know, track competitive insights, like, you know, what's their vesting schedules? And what kind of stock? Are they using other benefits? Now, I can also just see my market interaction with them. You know, what happens when a competing offer shows up from Boeing, in this case, when I'm sourcing talent from this company, what's my win rate? If folks are rejecting your offer FERS why many times it's not comp, right. 

And sometimes a hiring manager will get spun up. But it could be for a different reason. And so some of our best customers, too, are taking advantage of this surface area, the product to replace their efforts in spreadsheets, and kind of custom fields. And the ATS was something that's easy for recruiters to use, and just gives them that edge in a market that's still super white hot.

Bobby Dysart  37:39

Yeah, so it looks like it's automatically calculating, not just the win rate for folks that you source from a company, but also when those little Hotdogs for those competing offers show up. It's when they're in a competitive situation with that same company, and it just sort of staples that to that single card.

Charlie Franklin  37:55

Yeah, that's right. Yeah. And I can look here, too, I just jumped over the reporting tab. 

And I can directly compare how pay expectations and competing offers map to our offers as well to see if there's any big deltas or any new trends. And I can filter that down to look at specific competitors or just kind of look at my top competitor list. Drill at different locations. However, I want to slice and dice. I think the competitive intelligence side of the product is something that has just been a really valuable part of the experience of focusing on offers for companies particularly just competing and really competitive like zero sum knowledge worker markets. This has been a nice ad.

Bobby Dysart  38:37

Wonderful, wonderful. All right, well, we're getting to that time. So want to give the audience again, a couple of minutes or a couple of seconds. Really, if you guys want to slap a question into the chat, happy to answer it. Otherwise, Charlie, I think it's time to land this plane. I'm going to put up here as beautiful end card. And so hey, if you want to learn more, if you want to ask questions, one on one, you can shoot me an email I think that QR code right there works. So that's another way to get in touch with us. Check out the website. We'll keep doing more of these. And we take your feedback, so please send it otherwise, have an amazing rest of your Thursday and we'll talk soon.

Charlie Franklin  39:33

Thanks everyone, chat soon.