
New Compensation Jobs Board

August 23, 2023
Min Read
New Compensation Jobs Board

Discover open compensation jobs across our Compa Index community network

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Introducing our new job board for open roles in compensation

The number one request I get from comp leaders is: 

“Can you recommend anyone for [open comp job] on my team?”

Whether you’re looking for analysts, program managers, business partners, or leaders — it’s hard to find great comp people.

So I am proud to share we are launching a new job board exclusively for open compensation jobs!

Check it out here: Compensation Jobs

How it works

One of the fun parts of leading a startup is meeting other founders, especially ones doing interesting things in HR tech.

In January this year, I met Evan and Raul at an Acadian Ventures retreat in Vermont. They are founders of Getro, a startup that makes branded job boards and talent networks for VC funds, startup accelerators, and more.

I asked if we could use Getro to create a job board for open compensation roles, and they said, “of course!”

So here’s how it works:

  1. We curate a list of companies
  2. Our job board scrapes their career sites to find open roles in compensation
  3. Those comp jobs get posted here — that’s it!

Amazing open compensation jobs

Here are some fantastic opportunities available for top tier compensation talent around the world posted in the last few days:

Why do this?

A few reasons.

For one, it is surprisingly difficult to fill open compensation roles.

They’re demanding jobs that require analytical excellence, masterful storytelling, knowledge of behavioral economics, and creativity and resilience, especially when times get tough.

Also, we are lucky at Compa to work with some of the leading compensation teams in the world. When I was a comp practitioner, I would leap at an opportunity to join one of these teams.

And more generally, I believe it’s important to connect and grow the compensation community so we can learn from each other in this era of rapid change for our profession.

Got an open job we should post?

Email or complete the contact form here with a note and link to the open position. 

We’ll post it, free, no strings attached.

Good luck out there everyone!

Charlie Franklin
Co-founder & CEO, Compa

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